Saturday, 26 February 2011


Είναι μέρες που δε φεύγουν ποτέ απ'το μυαλό μου, που θυμάμαι κάθε τους μυρωδιά, κάθε σκέψη, κάθε παραπάνω χτύπο της καρδιάς. Μέρες που δεν κύλησαν, μα ξάπλωσαν πάνω στην ψυχή μου σαν σφραγίδες, με κάθε τους στιγμή ατόφια και κρυστάλλινη να περνάει μπροστά απ'τα μάτια μου, να τρέχει κατεφθείαν στην καρδιά μου, να βουτιέται ολόγυμνη στη σκέψη μου, να γίνεται εγώ, να γίνομαι αυτή, για κείνη τη μικρή και φευγαλέα αιωνιότητα της διάρκειάς της. Μα είναι μυστήριο πράγμα οι στιγμές. Έχουν όλη τη δύναμη να σε ρουφήξουν και να χαθείς για πάντα μέσα τους, κι όμως ποτέ δε στέκονται αρκετά για να προλάβεις. Βουτούν ένα κομμάτι σου και τρέχουν στα έγκατά σου να κρυφτούν. Κι εκεί ματώνουν, στα σκοτάδια της ψυχής, εκεί ανθίζουν, εκεί σιγά κι αθόρυβα σε πλάθουν.

  "Ζουν μωρέ τα διαφορετικά σ'αυτόν τον κόσμο;"
  "Ζουν. Πιο δύσκολα, μα ζουν."
Υπάρχουν άραγε διαφορετικά; Γεννιούνται; Δεν ξέρω. Δεν ξέρω αν υπάρχουν μέσοι όροι στις ψυχές ή αν δημιουργούνται. Μόνο για μένα ξέρω να μιλήσω. Για μένα και γι'αυτούς τους λίγους ανθρώπους που 'νιωσα να τους αγαπώ από την πρώτη στιγμή που τους αντίκρισα, με μια αγάπη πιο κεραυνοβόλα κι απ'τον έρωτα. Ανθρώπους που 'βλεπαν πάνα τον κόσμο μέσα απ'το γυάλινο κρύσταλλο μιας πραγματικότητας που ένιωθαν ολότελα δική τους. Ανθρώπους που 'καιγαν τα όνειρα τους απ'την κούνια τους. Όνειρα, όρκοι αιώνιοι, κρυφοί, όρκοι που δίνονται απ'την αρχή, πριν από κάθε άλλη απόφαση,πριν από κάθε άλλη σκέψη. Μια τυραννία, μια λύτρωση, βάρος ασήκωτο, γλυκό.

Ώσπου στο τέλος άρχισα να θάβω το ίδιο το όνειρο αντί για τις αναμνήσεις του που δεν άντεχα να κουβαλώ.
  "Ξύπνα! Τον πόνο ξέχνα, όχι εμένα!"
  "Μα εσύ έγινες πια ο πόνος! Δεν το βλέπεις; Με καις και με πονάς πιο πολύ και από τις ίδιες μου τις αποτυχίες να σε φτάσω. Πέθανε πια! Πέθανε κι άσε με να ζήσω μ' ό,τι έρχεται!"
  "Μα δεν μπορείς! Είμαι πια τόσα χρόνια ένα μ'εσένα. Αν πεθάνω, μαζί μου πεθαίνεις κι εσύ".
  "Να δοκιμάσω να δω αν μπορώ, έστω και τώρα, να ντυθώ έναν ακόμα εαυτό, μήπως τα καταφέρω".
  "Δοκίμασε, μα όσο θα με προδίδεις, θα προδίδεις και την ίδια σου την ψυχή. Θα καίγεσαι γι' αυτό τον όρκο που πατάς. Μπορείς να ξεχαστείς, μα δεν μπορείς να ξεχάσεις".
  "Μπορώ, μπορώ. Όχι, δεν μπορώ".
Ομάδα αίματος "όνειρο". Δίνει σε όλους και παίρνει μόνο από τον εαυτό της, Σπάνιο κι επικίνδυνο σ' ατυχήματα μ'ακατάσχετη αιμορραγία. 

wish I had written this.

Friday, 25 February 2011

day 357

355 movies to go! Juno is like one of my favourite movies now,especially because it has a reaaally good soundtrack! The opening was also very interesting with the animation and all! I mean,just watch this!
Isn't it nice? Like really,really nice?I love it! The song kinda reminds me of Johnny Flynn...
Well,anyway,the film is about a girl(Ellen Page) who gets pregnant and decides to give the baby to a rich couple who cant have kids... Even if that one-sentence-description doesn't sound interesting to you,i can guarantee you that you'll like it(if you like that kind of music of course!)...
 And I just love this poster!:)

"Juno MacGuff: As far as boyfriends go, Paulie Bleeker is totally boss. He is the cheese to my macaroni. And, I know that people are supposed to fall in love before they reproduce, but... I guess normalcy isn't really our style."

Thursday, 24 February 2011

day 358

...and 356 movies left!
Things haven't been great actually,so last movie was My life without me,which I watched on Tuesday but felt too miserable to post anything about it. It was a really beautiful movie,sad though,made me cry at some points.An attractive young mother discovers she has 2 months to live and sets about trying to make use of her time doing things for herself and the people she loves; but keeping her diagnosis to herself.To tell you the truth,I dont really wanna spoil this,so just go watch this film,and you'll love it as much as I did! :)

"Now you feel like you wanna take all the drugs in the world, but all the drugs in the world aren't gonna change the feeling that your whole life's been a dream and it's only now that you're waking up."

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

(place your idea here)

This is the shittiest day of my life. It is officially over now, in every possible way. Three fucking years have passed, and now that. Well thank you.

"besides, hate is not the opposite of love.. indifference is the opposite of love.. if you hate someone it means you still have feelings for that person, which means you still care... :)"
Let's believe that statement.
You know what? I don't wanna feel anything anymore.
ps:the person who told me this,doesn't even know me very well. My best friend told me to try stay alive for now.

"Life is so much better than you think, my love. I know because you managed to fall in love with me even though you saw, what was it, you said 10%? Five maybe? Maybe if you'd seen it all, you wouldn't have liked me. Or you would have liked me in spite of everything. I guess we'll never know..."

Monday, 21 February 2011

change of plans?seriously?

Change of plans? Yeah. Well,maybe. Friends,iiiif I can call them like that,did convince me to change the number of the movies I'm watching. XD
365 movies? Then 365 let it be.

Um M.M. I was not kidding when talking about the challenge:P I will do this and then we'll see who wins. I dare you take up on a challenge too... :)
So where were we?357 movies left!

day 361

...and 242 movies to gooo :) Watched 13 going on 30 and thought it was pretty good,so SERIOUSLY NOW somebody has to stop me. I'm watching girly movies with no suspense whatsoever,and on a regular basis. This is not happening to me. I'll just wake up one day and go like "I wanna be thirty,flirty and thriving"...which is totally wrong.Why the hell should I care about the dreams of a 13/30 year old anyway? We're all the same:like the hottest guy we know,try our best and stuff,then find out there's that really nice guy who cares about us,and blah blah blah,it's complicated. I'mmmm having a headache.
ps:I never had a thing for hot guys or something:P aigainst eye candieeeeees! :D

Sunday, 20 February 2011

day 362

And yes,it was Grease and it was hilarioussss:D Best fucking musical I've ever watched even though I bloody hate Travolta! Of course everyone has heard "you're the one that i want ooh-ooh-ooh-oooh" but watching the whole thing was fucking beautifuuul!(yeah somebody is pretty excited over this!)
We go together like
rama lama lama
ke ding a de dinga a dong
remembered for ever like
shoo bop shoo wadda wadda yipitty boom de boom
Chang chang chang-it-ty chang
That's the way it should be
Wha oooh yeah!
I think this was my favourite part of the movie,I have been trying to sing this along for an hour or so and havent succeeded yet!
I also watched High Fidelity,which had reaaaaaaally nice soundtrack,but I'll hate forever that line when Jack Black talks shit about Belle & Sebastian.Jack Black beware,I'll come for you,and when I do,there's no escape.Period. <3
And that makes it 243 to go,I guess...
Goodbye cruel world,I have studying to do.Hell.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

The movie challenge.

Soooo,I've been seriously thinking about doing something like a personal movie challenge.
It sounds kinda funny,coming out of nowhere,BUT I really wanna do this:)
(yep, I recently watched that "Julie&Julia" movie:P)

So here's the deal:250 movies,365 days.

PS:I've spent the whole day trying to find a challenge countdown badge or something,or even a simple countdown badge,but nothing worked. Somebody help over here.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

the dream.

She was standing right there,in front of him. He was speaking slowly, in a way only she could understand."You have to be careful" he said,never taking of his glasses. "Just before the eclipse,make a wish.They say that if you do so,anything you want comes true". She looked at him not knowing what to say. She didn't believe him after all... Why did he say these things to her? If  things like that happened in real life, her family wouldn't have been killed in that accident, somebody would love her and he wouldn't be here. He barely even knew her. "What's with that? It seems like you really believe in this kind of things. Well I don't. Have you ever wished anything?" she asked in an almost offensive way. "Yeah, of course I did. To see the most beautiful things in life anyone has ever seen" he answered with a voice lower than usual. "And? Did your wish came true? I bet it did not." she said and then she got her camera out of her bag and took a photo of him, perhaps the most perfect shot in her life,combining the calmness of his face and the afternoon light all over. "It did, it actually did. You see, now I can see anything I want. It's all in our head girl. You have to believe it in order to come true. I was looking at the eclipse when it all happened. Make a wish and you'll see. You have nothing to lose".

Almost a year after that conversation with the mysterious man and she couldn't remember a thing. It's not that she wanted to forget, she would never do that on purpose. She had only a few minutes left to wait till the eclipse. She took her camera and started running. There where so many things she would like to do...She went to that place she loved so much-even though she didn't know why. And then she noticed. She noticed him. Or at least that's what she thought. And then she realised the truth. She climbed to the roof of a building and run and run and run without stopping. She jumped over the rooftops, not knowing when she would stop. Then suddenly everything went dark, she lifted her eyes and wished she could be like him. She was looking at the sun, knowing. After the end of the eclipse, she took a big breath and jumped down, to nowhere.

 At the same time,he felt something deep in his heart. He felt something inside him dying. All those years of suffering...where they worth it? That girl he tried to protect, what happened to her? He had said his wish was to see the most beautiful things in life anyone has ever seen. He had wished he couldn't see the cruelty of this world anymore. He was blind.